From the text of Deuteronomy 22:5 the nation of Israel is given command not to cross dress but to make clear distinction of their gender by what they put on. This literal manifestation of staying put, so to speak, in one's life role becomes a picture of what is expected from us in a spiritual way today. Churches today are confused as to how women dress for and implement their gender-specific role in worship, but we are expected by our gender to put on Christ so as to manifest a very specific placement in worship. When we blur the lines of gender specific roles in our homes, in our behavior, or in our worship assembly, we portray the same queer image of the church as transvestites might manifest by their dress: things which are against nature. While transgender dressing is abhorrent, cross-dressing is desirable, if you get my drift. |
![]() The game night this month was a horse of a different color. Not your usual cards, movie, or table top event. Everybody was jostled, juggled, and hopefully nobody felt too jilted by the games last Sunday afternoon. There was a combination of games for teammates to show their strength of camaraderie as well as activities for individuals to boast their agility... Props go to Caleb and Pam as a team, also to Verlyn as the individual winner. We all had such a super time. What a blessing to have a building that provides for these events... even strange ones. The goal of these activities in my mind were very specific as opposed to other game-nights with an orientation towards outreach. In a distinct manner, this special time was geared for our church members to get a little bit closer to one another through some cordial physical contact and team strategy. You see, the tendency of the true church today is to emphasize the law above the spirit of worship. In our culture, people have forgotten what it is to be citizens of a KING, and thus the need for the church to set the Law on a high pedestal and keep people from veering in independence from it. But this stifles our spirit of worship and affection for one another. These games forced a certain closeness in order to develop some needful feelings for one another through joint participation. Jesus said "...this is how people will know that you are my disciples...that you have love for one another..." and that certainly included a deep compassion (feelings).
Brethren, "whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely," and moreover, " whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise...dwell on these things." Tell us some good news you have learned or received this week by adding your comments below that we may have FELLOWSHIP with you.
NewsChatter Matter consists of church calendar events, special occasions, and spiritual sermons to report. Paul writes, "whatsoever things are of good report think on these things" Sermon Sound-bites
May 2014
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